Our PartnersNorth American Organizations offering information and products useful in the pursuit of backyard wild bird feeding. |
American Bird Conservancy (ABC)
ABC is the Western Hemisphere's bird conservation specialist — the only organization with a single and steadfast commitment to achieving conservation results for birds and their habitats throughout the Americas.
American Feed Industry Association (AFIA)
AFIA seeks to provide one powerful, united voice representing the feed industry. In addition to maintaining an active present in international policy and forums to ensure long term competitive balance, AFIA will be actively engaged in coalitions that promote food safety, positively shape consumer perceptions and influence a sustainable future.
American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)
The American Seed Trade Association's (ASTA) mission is to be an effective voice of action in all matters concerning the development, marketing and free movement of seed, associated products and services throughout the world with a minimum of regulation. ASTA promotes the development of better seed to produce better crops for a better quality of life.
Bird Education Network (BEN)
The creation of the Bird Education Network (BEN) provides educators working in the field of bird conservation with a variety of new tools and strategies they can employ to be more effective.
The network enables the exchange information on strategies, materials, resources, and programs for bird related education. It will helps to ensure that recommendations by fellow professionals in the field are substituted for blind searches on the Internet. And, it helps prevent waste of energy and funds on new development when existing materials and programs can fill a particular need.
The network enables the exchange information on strategies, materials, resources, and programs for bird related education. It will helps to ensure that recommendations by fellow professionals in the field are substituted for blind searches on the Internet. And, it helps prevent waste of energy and funds on new development when existing materials and programs can fill a particular need.
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
As one of the most recognized and respected authorities on birds in the world, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology serves as an international center for the study, appreciation and conservation of birds. Cornell Lab is an authoritative source for information about birds, providing scientists and conservationists the tools needed to study and manage birds: bird population information; sound recordings; and the Birdhouse Network Nest Box Cams.
National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA)
The National Wildlife Refuge Association’s mission is to conserve America’s wildlife heritage for future generations through strategic programs that protect and enhance the National Wildlife Refuge System and the landscapes beyond its boundaries.