WBFI Next Bird Industry Growth
(BIG) Step: Find-A-Retailer
Submit your retailer data to be included in the WBFI Find-A-Retailer widget.
FIND-A-RETAILER OVERVIEWOn the #FeedtheBirds page for the WBFI consumer campaign, we have developed a way for website visitors to locate online and brick-and-mortar retail stores that are WBFI members and/or sell WBFI member products.
This widget will push visitors to purchase WBFI member products as they learn more about feeding wild birds. They will be able to search by zip code and a map will display nearby WBFI retail stores and other retailers that carry WBFI-member products. WHO WILL BE INCLUDED? Any retailer member and any retailers that sell WBFI-member products. To be featured in this widget, we will need WBFI retailers and other members to submit a list of all brick-and-mortar store locations and online retailers that sell their products. Knowing that members are constantly trying to get their products into new stores, we understand that the full list may change often. Updates to previous submissions will take place once a month. The deadline for submissions will be the first Friday of each month. |