Standards for Suet Products, Fruits, Natural Foods, Mealworms, and Other Products
Definitions of suet products, fruits, natural foods, mealworms and other products have yet to be developed by the Standards Committee. Every effort is made to include companies who deal in these specialty areas regardless of WBFI membership.
Allergen Statement
Development of the WBFI Seed Definitions has been a good time to provide to WBFI Members and the industry the FDA requiredinformation regarding the possible existence of allergens in packaged products. WBFI developed the following Allergen Statement, which should be used on all applicable packaging:
ALLERGEN INFORMATION: The ingredient label on this product accurately reflects the contents of this package added by design. This product is processed, packaged and/or stored in facilities that also may process, package and/or store peanuts, tree nuts of all types, wheat, eggs, milk products and soy and thus may also contain particles of one or more of those ingredients.