Wild Bird Feed Products
Learn the basics about the types of wild bird feeding products.
Seed products and feedersYou have many options for your wild bird feeding hobby. According to our PROJECT WILDBIRD research, many people have 4 to 5 different wild bird feeder styles providing multiple sources of wild bird feeding products in their yards to help many wild bird species.
To help you understand which bird feeders work with which products, check out our Bird Feeding Starter Kit. You'll discover much of the basic information you need in this free download.
Wild bird food preferences
The additional piece of information you'll need is which bird feed is preferred by the wild birds in your region. To assist you with this information, download our Bird Feed Preference Chart.
Straight seed, mixes, suet & cakesNow that you know which bird feed attracts either the widest variety of wild birds in your region or the specific wild bird species you want to see, you'll need to decide with bird seed to use - straight seed or a mix?
For more assistance and information, be sure to visit Backyard Bird Sanctuary. |