WBFI COVID-19 Updates
View up-to-date information and keep track of WBFI’s response to this crisis.
As you know, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. It is a national emergency. States and municipalities are taking action in a variety of ways, but the message is clear. Flatten the curve, let the healthcare system catch up.
The spread of the virus has altered business, travel and everyday life for all of us. A large number of companies in the backyard bird feeding industry are coping with trying to keep their staff safe, while facing the mounting economic pressures. The WBFI leadership team is dedicated to working with our industry partners to provide reliable information and develop creative ways to support members as they strive for balance. At this time, there is no way to predict the full impact this situation will have on the bird feeding industry and the world. The most important thing that we can do is stay informed in this rapidly changing environment. |
General COVID Resources |
Canadian National Railway Company
The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council - Canada
U.S. Food & Drug Administration
U.S. Government Response to COVID-19
U.S. Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce
U.S. Small Business Disaster Loan
WBFI Next Bird Industry Growth (BIG) Steps Project:
Feed the Birds Campaign
Learn about the consumer marketing campaign and view other project details.
The Wild Bird Feeding Institute’s (WBFI) marketing campaign, #FeedtheBirds, has officially begun. This campaign focuses on the mental health benefits of bird feeding. Several studies prove birds help lower stress, anxiety, and depression. With technology becoming more pervasive, and society’s concern with mental wellness, we think interacting with birds is a natural remedy.
Our industry is very interconnected. So getting people excited about birds is a victory for everyone. Knowing that, the Big Industry Growth (BIG) committee members and advertising agency Joy Riot, chose to advertise in external outlets, and also provide creative assets to all WBFI members. These efforts will drive consumers to the #FeedtheBirds landing page. There, individuals can find where to purchase bird feeding products and educate themselves on the benefits of bird feeding.
The photography featured in the campaign assets were provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Overall, the assets include social media ads, digital banners, and videos. Throughout the campaign, the WBFI social platforms will generate a new social post every four days. In addition to the organic posts, the Joy Riot team has purchased digital advertisement space for the WBFI on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Our industry is very interconnected. So getting people excited about birds is a victory for everyone. Knowing that, the Big Industry Growth (BIG) committee members and advertising agency Joy Riot, chose to advertise in external outlets, and also provide creative assets to all WBFI members. These efforts will drive consumers to the #FeedtheBirds landing page. There, individuals can find where to purchase bird feeding products and educate themselves on the benefits of bird feeding.
The photography featured in the campaign assets were provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Overall, the assets include social media ads, digital banners, and videos. Throughout the campaign, the WBFI social platforms will generate a new social post every four days. In addition to the organic posts, the Joy Riot team has purchased digital advertisement space for the WBFI on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Webcast: Feeding Wild Birds in America
Looking for some new video to run in your store? How about a video to promote to your customers? Check out this webcast with co-authors Paul Baicich and Margaret Barker done in May 2016 at the Library of Congress. The video is 57 minutes long. Don't have the book yet? Better get it today from Texas A&M University Press.
2016 State of North American Birds
New report issued by a combined effort of the governments of the US, Canada and Mexico presents an update on our wild birds and their status. There are two websites for you to review:
The report evaluates the conservation status of all native North American bird species across all major habitats—nine key ecosystems. It is based on the first-ever conservation vulnerability assessment for all 1,154 native bird species that occur in Canada, the continental U.S., and Mexico, and reflects a collaboration between experts from all three countries. The overall conservation status of each species takes into account its population trend, population size, extent of breeding and nonbreeding ranges, and severity of threats to populations.
Manuscript: Bird-Feeding Impact on Health of Wild BirdsDr. David Horn, Millikin University, has done extensive research on wild bird feeding. In his most recent study, partially funded by the WBFI Research Foundation, David investigated the impact that bird-feeding has on wild birds from a scientific perspective. This research has now been published in a new manuscript available for you to download at this link.
In general, Chickadees, Nuthatches, and larger Finches preferred Black-oil Sunflower, smaller Finches preferred Nyjer® and Sunflower chips, and Sparrows and other ground-feeding species preferred White Proso Millet.